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Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) is a progressive condition that can have profound effects on your health. When you reach Stage 3, the stakes become higher, but with the right approach, you can take control of your health and slow the disease’s progression.

In this article, we’ll explore what it means to live with CKD Stage 3, offer practical tips for managing the condition, and provide insights that can help you navigate this critical stage of kidney health.

Understanding Chronic Kidney Disease Stage 3

Chronic Kidney Disease is divided into five stages, with Stage 3 representing moderate kidney damage. At this stage, your kidneys have a reduced ability to filter waste from the blood, leading to a decline in overall kidney function. CKD Stage 3 is further subdivided into:

  • Stage 3A: eGFR (estimated glomerular filtration rate) between 45 and 59 mL/min/1.73 m²
  • Stage 3B: eGFR between 30 and 44 mL/min/1.73 m²

While kidney function is significantly impaired at this stage, you may still not experience any noticeable symptoms. However, the risk of complications such as cardiovascular disease, anemia, and bone disorders increases as kidney function declines.

Recognizing Symptoms and Understanding the Risks

CKD Stage 3 can be a turning point because it’s often the stage where symptoms start to become more apparent. Recognizing these symptoms early and understanding the associated risks is key to effective management.

Common Symptoms:

  • Fatigue: As waste builds up in your blood, you may feel more tired than usual.
  • Swelling: Fluid retention can cause swelling in your hands, feet, or ankles.
  • Changes in Urination: You might notice changes in the frequency or color of your urine.
  • Back Pain: Some people experience pain in their lower back, where the kidneys are located.

Associated Risks:

High Blood Pressure: As kidney function decreases, blood pressure often rises, creating a vicious cycle that further damages the kidneys.

Heart Disease: CKD is closely linked to an increased risk of cardiovascular events, including heart attacks and strokes.

Anemia: Reduced kidney function can lead to anemia, causing fatigue and weakness.

Bone Disease: Imbalances in calcium and phosphorus levels can lead to bone pain and fractures.

Actionable Tips for Managing CKD Stage 3

chronic kidney disease stage 2

Managing CKD Stage 3 involves a multifaceted approach that includes lifestyle changes, dietary modifications, and close monitoring of your health.

Here are some practical tips to help you navigate this stage effectively:

1. Adopt a Kidney-Friendly Diet: At Stage 3, your diet plays a critical role in managing CKD. Focus on low-sodium, low-protein, and low-potassium foods to reduce the strain on your kidneys. Include plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, and consider consulting a renal dietitian for personalized advice.

2. Monitor Blood Pressure and Blood Sugar Levels: Keeping your blood pressure and blood sugar levels within the recommended range is vital. High blood pressure and diabetes are major contributors to CKD progression. Work with your healthcare provider to develop a plan for regular monitoring and medication management.

3. Stay Active: Regular exercise can help manage blood pressure, improve heart health, and maintain a healthy weight. Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise most days of the week, but be sure to consult your doctor before starting any new exercise routine.

4. Take Medications as Prescribed: If you’re on medication to manage blood pressure, blood sugar, or other conditions, it’s essential to take them exactly as prescribed. Missing doses or stopping medication without consulting your doctor can have serious consequences for your kidney health.

5. Limit Protein Intake: While protein is essential for your body, excessive protein can strain your kidneys. Work with a dietitian to determine the right amount of protein for your needs, and consider incorporating more plant-based proteins, which are easier on your kidneys.

6. Stay Hydrated, But Be Cautious: Proper hydration is important, but too much fluid can cause swelling and increase blood pressure. Your doctor can help you determine the right amount of fluid intake based on your condition.

7. Regular Check-ups and Monitoring: Stay on top of your health with regular check-ups, blood tests, and urine tests. Monitoring your kidney function closely allows for early detection of any changes and timely intervention.

8. Manage Stress: Living with a chronic condition can be stressful, which can negatively impact your overall health. Practice stress management techniques such as meditation, deep breathing exercises, or yoga to help maintain your mental well-being.

    The Importance of Early Intervention and Ongoing Care

    CKD Stage 3 is a critical juncture where the right interventions can slow the progression of the disease and improve your quality of life. The earlier you take action, the better your chances of delaying the onset of more severe stages of CKD, such as Stage 4 or Stage 5, which may require dialysis or a kidney transplant.

    By working closely with your healthcare team, making informed lifestyle choices, and staying proactive about your health, you can manage CKD Stage 3 effectively and maintain a better quality of life.

    Conclusion: Empower Yourself with Knowledge and Action

    Chronic Kidney Disease Stage 3 doesn’t have to define your future. With the right knowledge, support, and lifestyle adjustments, you can take control of your health and slow the progression of the disease.

    Remember, you’re not alone on this journey—your healthcare team, family, and support networks are there to help you every step of the way.

    Take charge of your kidney health today, and commit to the actions that will lead to a healthier, more empowered tomorrow.

    Your kidneys are vital to your overall well-being, and by taking care of them now, you’re investing in a brighter, healthier future.


    The Kidney Disease Solution is a proven natural program for reversing kidney disease and living a normal healthy life that you fully enjoy. If you use this program and have been diagnosed with kidney disease, you can quickly and easily reverse your condition and keep kidney disease away for good.

    Duncan Capicchiano N.D. and Fiona Chin N.D., drawing on over 35 years of combined experience as qualified naturopaths, have created a fully-digital program that anyone can implement on their own to achieve success.

    The Kidney Disease Solution draws on intensive research of holistic medicine and kidney disease studies from the last five to ten years to create the entire foundational treatment plan, including diet, exercise, lifestyle, and mind-body techniques that have proven to reverse kidney disease or prevent anyone from getting diagnosed.

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